
For the cake
50 g walnut pieces
3 large eggs
110 g caster sugar
75 g self-raising flour
For the filling and topping
275 g red or black grapes
1 large egg white
50 g granulated sugar
2 tbsp rosewater
285 ml double cream
1 tbsp icing sugar
4 heaped tablespoons redcurrant jelly
Preheat the oven to 180C/Gas4
To make the frosted grapes, pick out about a dozen grapes, leaving a little bit of the stalk on; lightly beat the egg white until frothy; place the granulated sugar in a plastic bag; dip the grapes in the egg white and shake off the excess; put them in the bag with the sugar and shake to coat; carefully remove the grapes, holding them by the stalk and lay them on a tray or plate lined with baking parchment and leave to dry for at least an hour, in a warm place
To make the cake, beat the eggs and sugar together until thick and pale and the beater leaves a trail when lifted out of the mixture
Sift the flour and sprinkle over the walnut pieces; fold carefully into the beaten eggs and sugar; pour into a prepared 20cm cake tin, lightly oiled and lined with baking parchment; bake for 40-45 minutes until browned and the cake is beginning to shrink away from the sides of the tin; remove the cake from the oven and leave to stand for 5 minutes; invert onto a wire rack, and carefully remove the baking parchment; leave to cool completely
Halve the remaining grapes, place in a bowl and sprinkle over the rosewater; when the cake is completely cold, lightly whip the cream until holds a peak; drain the grapes and use some of the rosewater to flavour the cream; sift in the icing sugar; mix two thirds of the cream with the halved grapes
Cut the cake horizontally into three layers; warm the redcurrant jelly and spread half of it over the bottom layer of cake; spread half the cream and grape mixture and place another layer of cake on top; repeat with the remaining jelly and cream and grape mixture; place the last layer of cake on top and spread the rest of the cream on top; chill for up to 3 hours
Just before serving arrange the frosted grapes on top