250 g mushrooms
75 g mature cheddar – grated
40 g ground almonds
125 g fresh white breadcrumbs
½ onion – grated
3 tbsps olive oil
1 tbsp soy sauce
1 medium egg
For the sauce:
250 g creme fraiche or Greek yoghurt
1 or 2 teaspoons grated lemon zest
Fresh shredded basil leaves
Finely chop the mushrooms, either by hand or in a food processor. Heat 1 tbsp of the oil in a large frying pan over high heat and cook the mushrooms until tender and the liquid has evaporated. Set aside to cool completely.
Stir in the cheese, the ground almonds, the onion, the breadcrumbs, the soy sauce, the egg and some seasoning into the mushroom pan. Form the mixture into wallnut – sized balls (makes about 16). Heat the remaining oil in a large, clean frying pan over a medium heat . Fry the balls, turning occasionaly for about 5 minutes until golden.
Set aside in a serving bowl and cover well with foil to keep warm.
To make the sauce melt the creme fraiche into the empty pan, then stir in the lemon zest, the basil and some seasoning. Serve the sauce on top of the meatballs with rice, pasta or salad.
Cooled down meatballs could be frozen on a baking sheet and when solid put in a bag or box and freezed for later use.